domenica 6 maggio 2018

Il Lavoro del taglialegna considerato il peggiore al mondo!!!!!!!!! - Pagina 2

Tutto Foresta

Lasciate che i boschi crescano

Lasciate che i boschi crescano

MOTOSEGHE e attrezzi da taglio

8.1.01-02-03 Bandi per il sostegno alla forestazione e all'imboschimento — Programma di sviluppo rurale 2014-2020 — E-R Agricoltura e pesca

8.1.01-02-03 Bandi per il sostegno alla forestazione e all'imboschimento — Programma di sviluppo rurale 2014-2020 — E-R Agricoltura e pesca ISPRA, Italia più sicura grazie alla riforestazione dicembre 7, 2011 Comunicati Stampa, Progetti In Italia, sono disponibili circa 9,5 milioni di ettari per interventi di riforestazione. In tutto, si tratta di quasi un terzo del territorio nazionale: un milione di ettari sono adatti a realizzare foreste chiuse destinate alla produzione legnosa, altri 8,5 milioni, invece, per azioni di restauro a mosaico, in cui le foreste e gli alberi sono integrati in altre destinazioni d’uso del territorio, comprese quelle agricole, urbana e industriale. Questi dati sono stati resi pubblici ieri, per la prima volta in Italia, nel corso della conferenza “Le risorse forestali nazionali e i servizi ecosistemici. Il ruolo delle Istituzioni” organizzata dall’ISPRA (Istituto Superiore per la Protezione e la Ricerca Ambientale) e derivano da un recentissimo studio del World Resources Institute (WRI) secondo cui il restauro forestale rappresenta un’opportunità anche per mettere in sicurezza il territorio italiano. Nel mondo, oltre due miliardi di ettari, un’area più grande del Sud America, sono disponibili per questo scopo. Di questi, un miliardo e mezzo sarebbero più adatti per interventi di restauro a mosaico, mezzo miliardo di ettari, invece, sono la superficie disponibile per la realizzazione su grandi estensioni di foreste chiuse per la produzione legnosa. Alberi indispensabili per la mitigazione del clima locale, il contenimento dei rumori e dell’inquinamento, il risanamento dei suoli, delle aree umide e dei corsi d’acqua deteriorati, il miglioramento del paesaggio, che rappresenta la base dell’identità culturale della popolazione. Per lungo tempo considerate quasi esclusivamente per la loro capacità di offrire prodotti legnosi (per l’industria e per fini energetici) e altri, come funghi, frutti di bosco, resine, aromi e medicinali, le foreste vengono oggi studiate anche per la loro capacità di fornire una serie di beni e servizi a livello di ecosistema. Tra questi, la regolazione delle risorse idriche, il contenimento dell’erosione, l’infiltrazione delle acque e la funzione di ritenzione, riducendo i rischi di repentini eventi di piena, la regolazione del clima locale, la mitigazione dei cambiamenti climatici, ma anche la tutela di valori spirituali, storici, didattico‐scientifici, ricreativi e turistici. La trasformazione delle aree naturali in parcheggi e centri commerciali non fa altro che rallentare o impedire il ruscellamento delle piogge, il loro deflusso viene quindi accelerato e gli effetti diventano a volte distruttivi, come ci ricorda drammaticamente la cronaca di questi giorni. Le radici degli alberi hanno invece la capacità di rendere più permeabile il suolo, permettendo alle acque di penetrarvi e di non scorrere velocemente in superficie. “I servizi ecosistemici forniti dalle foreste di ogni parte del globo – ha commentato il Presidente dell’ISPRA, Bernardo De Bernardinis ‐ stanno guadagnando crescente riconoscimento e attenzione da parte dell’industria, dei governi, dei media e di privati cittadini, sempre più consapevoli dei pericoli e dei costi legati alla perdita e al decadimento dei servizi degli ecosistemi forestali. Nonostante ciò, il ritmo di deforestazione e degradazione delle foreste globali rimane allarmante.” Le foreste italiane immagazzinano una quantità di carbonio pari a quella che viene emessa in atmosfera in 9 anni dal nostro Paese. Per effetto dell’aumento della superficie forestale e dell’incremento di biomassa per unità di superficie, in Italia, ogni anno, lo stoccaggio di carbonio nelle foreste cresce di circa 15 milioni di tonnellate, equivalenti a 55 milioni di tonnellate di anidride carbonica. Questa quantità corrisponde a circa l’11% di quella emessa annualmente in atmosfera dal nostro Paese, attualmente pari a circa 490 milioni di tonnellate. Al prezzo attuale d’una tonnellata di anidride carbonica sul mercato delle quote europee delle emissioni di gas‐serra (circa 8 euro), la capacità fissativa delle foreste italiane avrebbe un valore di circa 440 milioni di euro l’anno. Attualmente, la superficie forestale globale (circa 3,7 miliardi di ettari, pari al 30% della superficie territoriale mondiale) si sta restringendo al ritmo di 14,5 milioni di ettari all’anno, principalmente a causa del cambiamento di uso del territorio nei tropici e in Oceania. Anche se la copertura forestale nei paesi industrializzati è andata ampliandosi nel corso degli ultimi due decenni, una gran parte di questi ecosistemi è fortemente degradata. In questo contesto, è nata l’esigenza di assegnare un valore economico ai servizi ecosistemici offerti dalle foreste e dagli ecosistemi naturali, un compito difficile e controverso. “La componente dei servizi culturali associati agli alberi, ai boschi e alle foreste toccano la memoria profonda di ognuno di noi. La loro valutazione economica è forse la più problematica tra tutti i servizi ecosistemici. Ma va tentata, anche se con molta cautela”, ha dichiarato Bill Slee, esperto del The James Hutton Institute. Storie di alberi e contadini

venerdì 4 maggio 2018

giovedì 3 maggio 2018

lunedì 30 aprile 2018

Gremo Forwarder Range

MOTOSEGHE e attrezzi da taglio
Publicado por SB Forestry Ltd en miércoles, 14 de febrero de 2018

domenica 22 aprile 2018

Cataloghi e Brochure Husqvarna

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martedì 17 aprile 2018

Forest Machine Magazine (forestmachineoperatorjobs) Cuttings from the forest floor direct to your door

Forest Machine Magazine (forestmachineoperatorjobs) Cuttings from the forest floor direct to your door

Forestry Jobs - Forest Machine Magazine (forestmachineoperatorjobs)
                    Robert Easton Ltd
Written by loggers for Loggers

 Forest Machine Magazine

Cuttings from the forest floor delivered direct to your door 

Forestry Jobs

            Forestry Jobs


Forest Machine Magazine - bringing you all the latest forestry jobs.

If you are looking for the latest forestry jobs, seeking work in forestry or have a vacancy to fill then advertise here for free.

Latest Forestry Jobs

Seeking Forestry Work


Mounding Operators Required

  • Fort William Area

Experienced 360 excavator mounding operatives needed, must have NPCT OPS and first aid certificates.  Good rates of pay for successful candidates.

Forward Cv to
Tractor/timber crane operator required for New Holland T8 and timber crane. Tractor and timber crane experience essential. Must have mechanical knowledge and be willing to make minor repairs if necessary. Working in Argyll for summer 2018 but based in Ayr. Must be willing to travel and stay on site if far from home. HGV licence and lorry driving experience preferable. Good hourly rate and company van supplied. Call Adam: 07792804273 or Email



Live and work in Canada! If you are interested in emigrating to this amazing country please read on!

We have a large number of requirements for experienced harvester and forwarder operators in New Brunswick. We can help and support the move to Canada having already assisted over 100 people make the move already. For more information about rates, hours, location please either email or call 01489 898 245.


Harvesting and Marketing Manager -Euroforest
Lochaber / Central Highlands

This role requires a self-motivated, professional individual who has an ability to build relationships at all levels to manage an area under the guidance of an experienced manager.  A commercial outlook and an ability to work as part of a team, together with experience in timber harvesting are necessary for this position.  Excellent organisational, communication and IT skills are desirable, but above all we are seeking someone with enthusiasm and the drive to succeed.

  • Applicants should ideally hold a degree or equivalent qualification in forestry, although relevant practical experience would be equally valuable
  • A current UK driving licence is required.
  • Benefits will include a competitive salary, company vehicle and pension.

For a Job Description and Application Form please contact:
Send your Application Form, together with a CV, to:
Euroforest Ltd, Huntly Business Centre, Gordon Street, Huntly, AB54 8FG

Closing date: 19th January 2018
01466 794938 |
Experienced Machine Operator Required
Greater Manchester TreeStation
Needs to have experience operating various types of machinery including HGVs, excavator, telehandler, biomass chipper and tractor/forwarder.
Should be situated realistically close to Manchester or be able to re-locate.
Start date: Immediate
Office: 0161 231 3333
Email CVs to:


Experienced forwarder/chainsaw operator for work in Herefordshire.  Must be self employed with all the relevant certificates as well as First aid+F certificate.

Contact Ricky on 07835 104193


We are currently looking for someone to fill the role of Field Service Engineer within our team here at R.J. Fukes to cover the areas of Wales and Southern England. The ideal candidate will have good knowledge of hydraulics and electrical systems. A background in Forestry plant or an agricultural background would be an advantage but is not essential. Working 40 hours per week Monday - Friday plus overtime. Must be highly motivated and able to work independently. For further information or to apply, please telephone on 01550 721641 OR email a covering letter and CV to
Experienced forwarder operator required Lairg on 860.4.
Wanted HGV 1 Mobile Chipper operator for new 650hp Mus Max chipper, artic trailer chipper, must have experience in cranes and good mechanical background, occasional overnights, good rates of pay, call Richard Spray, Pentland Biomass on 07812025578
Wanted Experienced HGV 1 timber crane operators, based at Loanhead covering central belt. Contact Richard Spray, Pentland Biomass on 07812025578


Wanted HGV 1 drivers for walking floor trailers for woodchips, good rates of pay, based at Loanhed covering central belt. Call Richard Spray, Pentland biomass on 07812025578



Live and work in Canada! If you are interested in emigrating to this amazing country please read on!

We have a large number of requirements for experienced harvester and forwarder operators in New Brunswick. We can help and support the move to Canada having already assisted over 100 people make the move already. For more information about rates, hours, location please either email or call 01489 898 245.


30/9 17

Ian Pattison

I am looking for an operator to drive a 1 year old Komatsu 895 forwarder in Argyll and Border areas
Phone number is 07787 507066


Mounding Operator Required for the Fort William Area.
Experienced 360 excavator mounding operatives needed. Must have NPTC, OPS and first aid certificates. Good rates of pay for successful candidates. Forward CV to:-
Forwarder driver wanted all work in Scottish Borders
Tel:- 07795421976


Harvester Driver wanted. For 1270D pine thinning work. Norfolk and Suffolk area. Must have tickets.  Immediate start.

Call Dave 07836 216210.



Forwarder operator required to join a small team. 3 month old Ponsse Buffalo King.  Must have FMOC and First Aid + F certificates.  Most importantly have experience working to a high standard, be a team player.  Currently working Lockerbie area.  07733105043 for details.


Sawmen wanted to cut Chestnut for fencing, West Sussex, Uk.  Good pay for guys that know what they are doing.
Apply via email at
Forestry Jobs - Forest Machine Magazine


C&E Pipeline is looking for a forestry operator with Jirraff experience.
Contact Steve at
Experienced operator with mechanical knowledge & common sense seeking work in North East England & Scottish borders, clear fell preferred,  All tickets held.

Robert - 07565898573
Seeking an opportunity to learn/train as a FMO. 2 years hand cutting, mainly oversized hardwood. HNC in forestry so I have an understanding of forest operations and harvesting. I love my job, but I would like to get the forwarder tickets under my belt and it’s something new. I’m very keen to learn and would be open to any offer. Based in Bedfordshire, and I’m willing to travel. Also could be based in the Lake District.
Jack- 07720254639/
Looking for forestry excavator work in Scotland/north of England. Vast experience on various types of plant and hold all relevant tickets. 
Lyle- 07876735036
Looking for excavator work in Scottish Borders/south scotland. Can provide excavator if needed. Call lyle on 07876735036


Forwarder and harvester operator looking for work in the Scottish borders/ north England.
Hold forwarder fmoc and first aid ticket.
Got a few years experience on harvester but not yet done test, can get test if right job came up.
Ideally looking for work around the Scottish borders/ Lothians and north England. Get in touch of you are looking. Thanks


Hire 🚜 Tractor & double drum pto winch for hire. With operator + felling service. Wales and borders please call ring 07975844947

Craig Ferguson

Experienced hand cutter NPTC certs and some lantra. Ticketed up to oversize, multiple windblown/storm damaged, spray ticket: pa1/6/AW also have brush cutter, chipper and first aid+f
which needs refreshed in December, I live in Fort William, desperate for work own saws (Stihl 261/441/ ppe etc but no drivers license, banned until 2018. Willing to work most anywhere Tel Scott on 07379553803 or
I am an experienced forwarder and harvester operator. I have also graduated from Forestry School. I am looking for a job as an operator ideally to start from January 2018.  Contact Robert on Tel. 07460885921 email:
I'm currently looking to work in the forestry sector. Having worked with excavators and large tractors in landscaping and would appreciate any offers with forwarder/harvester. 
Contact me Calum on +233500530108.


I am looking to gain experience driving a forwarder, I have worked in forestry for 26 years as mechanic/operator.  I have tickets for forwarder, excavator, telehandler, chainsaw, cscs card.  Own transport, full time or part time, preferably Scottish Borders.  Call Alex on 08709904880.



I am harvester driver who owns own 1470E looking for work any location considered. Experienced operator.

Phone 07920201990


Experienced Forwarder operator looking for work anywhere North of Perth. Contact: 07766992788



Antony Brown

Looking for forwarder driving work, can start any time.  Contact



Now branching out into the forestry sector, LR Groundwork and Plant Services are now carrying out work involving road building, ditching, drainage, mounding etc.
We are based in the Scottish Borders but can cover the whole of Scotland and north of England. 
Call Lyle on 07876735036


Paul Swales looking for harvester, forwarder driving work around cork area working a 1270D harvester at the moment, have tickets for both machines.  087 7043699
Looking to enter the forestry Industry.  I have worked 10 years in the construction industry and I am now looking to expand my horizons. 
I have experience with and hold construction related tickets for tractors and various 3 point linkage attachments, tracked excavators up to 50 tonnes.  I also have a chainsaw use and maintenance ticket and a first aid certificate.
Willing to travel (based in North Wales), have driving licence and own transport.  Hard working.  I would be grateful for the opportunity to gain experience in forestry operations, especially plant based.
Call William Williams on 07956662875 
Owner Operator looking for some Sub Contracting work with a new excavator based harvester.  Travelling not an issue. For more details contact Joe on 07583010307
Graham Rippingale from Dumfries looking for mounding jobs in Scotland 10 years experience contact


David Ross - Looking for work in Inverness area, six years experience on excavator harvester and fourteen years on 1270.  Reference available, can start June.


My name is Joe Pattison, I have 10 years experience of working between forestry machines and chainsaws, I have certificates for all of the above please contact me on 07584135181


My name is Daniel and I am looking for job on forwarder or harvester. I have 6 year experience and I am mechanic. I prefer machines Valmet, Komatsu and Timberjack, John Deere. I will be glad if I will find job in Sweden. But every job offer I will consider .Phone 0722 602 546


Campbell Smith
Looking to enter the industry, anything considered, can travel anywhere within UK for the right opportunity, have current driving licence and EFAW+F certificate.
I also have practical experience in use of chainsaw and forwarder but currently hold no certificates. I am very hardworking, enthusiastic and willing to learn. As Inexperienced, more than willing to work for less than traditional rate to prove my worth.
Currently located in Angus area.
Please call 07772405674 anytime



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STIHL Catalogo 2020 IT

MOTOSEGHE e attrezzi da taglio STIHL Catalogo 2020 IT ...